How Do I Manage my Contacts using Kies 2.6?
Last Update date : Nov 23. 2020
Manage Contacts
Click Contacts below your device's name in the left panel to manage the contacts available on your device. You may need to select a tab at the top of the contacts list to display your contacts. There is a tab for contacts stored on your mobile device, contacts stored in an online account, or contacts stored on your SIM card (if applicable).
NOTE: The contacts library is not available in Kies for Mac®. If you do not see the device's name in the left panel, you may be running Kies in Lite mode. Click View > Switch Mode > Normal Mode, or click the mode shortcut in the top-right corner of the window to return Kies to "normal" mode.
Viewing Contacts

Duplicate Contacts View

NOTE: This is not the same as joining two contacts on your Samsung device. This feature will merge the two entries into one.

Sorting Contacts
You can sort contacts in Kies 2.6 in list view, group view, thumbnail view, and duplicate view. Each view has its own sorting function. Click Contacts below your device name or Library in the left panel. If you are viewing contacts in your Kies 2.6 library, you will need to double-click the contacts file you want to view. You may need to select a tab at the top of the contacts list to display your contacts when viewing both contacts stored on your device and contacts in your Kies 2.6 library. When viewing contacts stored on your device, related to an account, or stored on your SIM card, the contacts are displayed in their own tab.
NOTE: The contacts library is not available in Kies for Mac. Also, if you do not see the device's name or Library in the left panel, you may be running Kies in Lite mode. Click View > Switch Mode > Normal Mode, or click the mode shortcut in the top-right corner of the window to return Kies to "normal" mode. When you view contacts stored on a SIM card, not all options and features are available, and the fields available may vary based on the SIM card.
Sort in List View
Click to switch to list view. Click a column header to sort the contacts using the information stored in the column. For example, click Name to sort your contacts by contact name. Click Name again to reverse the sort order.
You can add columns to the view by right-clicking on any column header. Displayed columns are marked with a check mark. Click any column name to add or remove it from the view. The columns available for sorting contacts are:
• Display name
• Name
• Middle name
• Last name
• Phone number
• Phone number 2
• Phone number 3
• Group
• Favorites
• Website
• Birthday
NOTE: Additional columns may be available in some cases. Availability will vary based on details added to the contacts in your list and where the contacts came from.
Sort in Group View
Click to switch to group view. In group view, an additional panel displays to the left of your contacts list. This panel shows each group available for your contacts. Click a group name to display only the contacts that are members of that group. The same list-view sort functions are available in group view. Click any column header to sort the displayed contacts based on the type of information stored in the column.
Sort in Thumbnail View
Click to switch to thumbnail view. When viewing contacts using the thumbnail view, you can sort contacts by Display name and Phone number. Click Display name or Phone number above the contacts list. Click either option a second time to reverse the sort order.
Duplicate Contacts View
Click to display a list of possible duplicate contacts. Click the Duplicated contacts column header to reverse the sort order.
Saving Contacts to Your Computer
You can save the contacts on your device to your computer.
NOTE: Contacts synchronized to your device from social networking sites can be saved to your computer using the contacts' "save to PC" option. They will not be included in the Back up/Restore feature.
From the Device's Contacts Library
NOTE: This option is available only on the Kies for Windows version. If you do not see the device's name in the left panel, you may be running Kies in Lite mode. Click View > Switch Mode > Normal Mode, or click the mode shortcut in the top-right corner of the window to return Kies to "normal" mode.
To save contacts on your device to your computer:
1. Connect the cable to a compatible USB port on your computer.
2. Connect the cable to your Samsung device.
3. Open Kies.
4. Click Contacts below your device's name in the left panel.

5. Click the tab at the top of the contacts list that contains the contacts you want to save. In the example below, the contacts are stored in the Google™ Account [email protected].

6. Mark each contact you want stored on your computer. If you do not mark any contacts, all of the contacts stored on your mobile device and any available account contacts will be saved to your computer. SIM contacts (if applicable) will not be saved in the contacts file unless they are marked with a check mark. Click Save to PC.

7. Select the location you want to save the contacts file to, change the filename (if necessary), and click Save.

NOTE: Kies can add password protection to the contacts file that is created. If you want to add a password to the file, click Set password, and enter the desired password before clicking Save. You may also want to note the location in your PC where you saved your contact information.
Using the Back Up/Restore Feature
You can use the Back up/Restore feature on your Windows computer to save your device's contacts. This feature lets you create backups of the content on your device, letting you restore data quickly and easily.
NOTE: Backup options may vary depending on your device.
1. Connect the cable to a compatible USB port on your computer.
2. Connect the cable to your Samsung device.
3. Open Kies.
4. Click the Back up/Restore tab.

5. If necessary, click Data backup.

6. Mark Contacts and click the Backup button.

7. Click Complete when the backup is finished. The contacts file will be saved to the default Kies folder you have set in a folder named \users\"username"\Documents\Samsung\Kies\Backup\"Model number."
NOTE: This path may have changed during installation if you manually chose a unique folder path.
NOTE: Kies 2.6 is only available for use on a Windows® platform.
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