How Samsung Health monitors your heart rate

Last Update date : Oct 11. 2022

Samsung Health helps you stay fit and tracks your movements and habits to ensure you have accurate, up to date health information whenever you need it. One way the app lets you keep up with your health is the heart rate monitoring function.

View of the heart rate option in Samsung Health measured with a Samsung Watch.

Samsung Health measures your heart rate through the heart rate sensor of the Galaxy Watch. You can measure your heart rate in three different ways:

Please note: The heart rate monitoring function is provided for health management purposes only, not for diagnosis or treatment of diseases.


  • Measure continuously or Always

The Galaxy Watch automatically records your heart rate during workouts. You can check your heart rate through exercise results.

  • Every 10 minutes while still or Frequent

Measures your heart rate every 10 minutes when you are still.

  • Manual measurement only or Never

You can measure your heart rate manually. 

Please note: You can set notifications in your Galaxy Watch and you can check the Samsung Health notification history on your phone.

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