Akslantirishga qarshi himoya plyonkasi Z Fold 6


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Akslantirishga qarshi himoya plyonkasi Z Fold 6



{{price.priceWrapper.info.totalPrice}} {{price.priceWrapper.info.vatText}}



{{price.priceWrapper.info.orignalPrice}} {{price.priceWrapper.info.savePrice}}

























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    Mahsulot tugadi

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    Mahsulot tugadi

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    Mahsulot tugadi

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    Mahsulot tugadi





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    {{item.originalPrice}} {{item.savePrice}} Mahsulot tugadi
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    {{item.originalPrice}} {{item.savePrice}} Mahsulot tugadi


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Kristal toza himoya

Jilolarga qarshi mazkur shaffof himoya plyonkasi tufayli Z Fold6 tashqi ekrani yorqinligi va aniqligini saqlab qolib, u aks jilolarni kamaytiradi va quyosh nurlari ostida ham ko'rinishni saqlab qoladi.

*Mazkur sahifada taqdim etilgan tasvirlar modellashtirilgan va qat'iy tarzda namuna maqsadida foydalaniladi.
The Galaxy Z Fold6 is seen floating above a showing several sailboats at the sea. There is an Anti-reflecting Film positioned on top of the screen. It is perfectly clear and translucent showcasing how the Anti-reflecting Film on the display provides crystal-clear visibility. The Galaxy Z Fold6 is seen floating above a showing several sailboats at the sea. There is an Anti-reflecting Film positioned on top of the screen. It is perfectly clear and translucent showcasing how the Anti-reflecting Film on the display provides crystal-clear visibility.

Qo'shimcha himoya darajasi

Himoya plyonkasi nafaqat tashqi ekranni chizilish va dog'lardan himoya qiladi, balki u qurilmangizning a'lo darajadagi tashqi ko'rinishini uzoq vaqt ta'minlab, foydalanishdagi ravonlik va betakror sezuvchanlikni saqlaydi.

*Mazkur sahifada taqdim etilgan tasvirlar modellashtirilgan va qat'iy tarzda namuna maqsadida foydalaniladi.

Texnik xususiyatlari

  • Shaffof

  • Mos keladigan modellar

    Galaxy Z Fold6

  • Qutisi tarkibi

    Film, Squeegee, Dust Remover sticker, Micro Fiber Cleaner, Applicator, QSG

  • O'lchamlar (ExBxCh)

    61.2 x 176.2 x 0.2 mm

  • Og'irlik

    3 g

  • Screen Protector

Yaqin o‘tmishda ko‘rilganlar

* Asosiy funktsiya asosiy xususiyatdan farq qilishi mumkin

* Akkumulyatorning haqiqiy hajmi (Vts) iste'mol qilinadigan tok qiymati kuchlanish qiymatiga ko'paytirish orqali aniqlanadi. Ushbu ko'rsatgich qurilmada ko'rsatilgan hajm qiymatidan (Vts) farq qilishi mumkin, chunki birinchisi ushbu qurilma tomonidan iste'mol qilingan haqiqiy quvvatga, ulangan qurilmalarning mavjudligi va foydalanish sharoitlariga bog'liq.