Silikon g‘ilof Z Flip6


Rang tanlang

Rang : Havorang
Silikon g‘ilof Z Flip6


Ultra ingichka va yorqin

Nafis ingichka Silicone Case g'ilofi turli noyob va yorqin ranglarda taqdim etilgan. O'z uslubingizni g'ilof bilan boyiting va o'zingizga ayni mos keluvchi noyob rangni tanlang.

Five Galaxy Z Flip6 phones are shown in different positions with all of them showcasing the Silicone Case in a fun and stylish way. Each case is in a different color. The colors are gray, navy, blue, yellow, and mint. Five Galaxy Z Flip6 phones are shown in different positions with all of them showcasing the Silicone Case in a fun and stylish way. Each case is in a different color. The colors are gray, navy, blue, yellow, and mint.

*Silicon Case=Silikon Keys. **Mazkur sahifada keltirilgan barcha tasvirlar modellashtirilgan va qat'iy tarzda namuna maqsadida foydalaniladi. ***Ranglarning mavjudligi mamlakat, mintaqa va sotuvchiga bog'liq bo'lishi mumkin. ****Haqiqiy foydalanuvchi interfeysi farq qilishi mumkin.

Maftunkor va qulay

G'iloga o'rnatilgan uzuksimon ushlagich bilan smartfondan foydalanish yanada qulay. Smartfonni oson va qulay ushlash hamda undan xavfsiz tarzda bir qo'l bilan foydalanish uchun uzuksimon ushlagichni barmog'ingizga taqing.

A woman carries the phone in a Silicone Case in mint. The case's built-in ring is slipped through her index finger while she has the rest of her hand on the top of her skateboard which is propped up vertically. The other one, she carries a Silicone Case in yellow with the case's built-in ring slipped through her ring finger. She carries a skateboard nestled in the palm of her hand at the same time. A woman carries the phone in a Silicone Case in mint. The case's built-in ring is slipped through her index finger while she has the rest of her hand on the top of her skateboard which is propped up vertically. The other one, she carries a Silicone Case in yellow with the case's built-in ring slipped through her ring finger. She carries a skateboard nestled in the palm of her hand at the same time.

Yumshoq va ishonchli

Ipaksimon silikonli mazkur chexol premium qoplamaga ega bo'lib, u nafaqat ushlash uchun yoqimli balki qo'lga mustahkam joylashishni ta'minlaydi.

The soft and smooth texture of the Galaxy Z Flip6 Silicone Case shown in two pieces. One shows the Galaxy Z Flip6 in the fully open position with a blue Silicone Case resting on the palm of someone's hand. The other is a 45 degree angle top shot of the phone and case in the same color, but folded halfway and propped up like a tent with the built-in ring visible near the hinge. The soft and smooth texture of the Galaxy Z Flip6 Silicone Case shown in two pieces. One shows the Galaxy Z Flip6 in the fully open position with a blue Silicone Case resting on the palm of someone's hand. The other is a 45 degree angle top shot of the phone and case in the same color, but folded halfway and propped up like a tent with the built-in ring visible near the hinge.

Texnik xususiyatlari

  • Havorang

  • Mos keladigan modellar

    Galaxy Z Flip6

  • Qutisi tarkibi

    Kindsuit Case

  • O'lchamlar (ExBxCh)

    76.5 x 169.7 x 12.8 mm

  • Og'irlik

    26 g

  • Smartphone Case

* Asosiy funktsiya asosiy xususiyatdan farq qilishi mumkin

* Akkumulyatorning haqiqiy hajmi (Vts) iste'mol qilinadigan tok qiymati kuchlanish qiymatiga ko'paytirish orqali aniqlanadi. Ushbu ko'rsatgich qurilmada ko'rsatilgan hajm qiymatidan (Vts) farq qilishi mumkin, chunki birinchisi ushbu qurilma tomonidan iste'mol qilingan haqiqiy quvvatga, ulangan qurilmalarning mavjudligi va foydalanish sharoitlariga bog'liq.