Akslantirishga qarshi himoya plyonkasi Z Flip6


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Akslantirishga qarshi himoya plyonkasi Z Flip6



{{price.priceWrapper.info.totalPrice}} {{price.priceWrapper.info.vatText}}



{{price.priceWrapper.info.orignalPrice}} {{price.priceWrapper.info.savePrice}}

























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    Mahsulot tugadi

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    Mahsulot tugadi





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    {{item.originalPrice}} {{item.savePrice}} Mahsulot tugadi
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    {{item.originalPrice}} {{item.savePrice}} Mahsulot tugadi


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Kristal toza himoya

Jilolarga qarshi himoya plyonkasi smartfoningiz displeyi yorqinligi va tiniqligini saqlash uchun yaratilgan. U quyosh nuri ostida eng yuqori sifatli ko'rinishni ta'minlaydi va Samsung tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan original g'iloflar uchun mukammal mos keladi.

*Mazkur sahifada taqdim etilgan barcha tasvirlar modellashtirilgan va qat'iy tarzda namuna maqsadida foydalaniladi.
On the screen, you can see the Galaxy Z Flip6 with the Anti-reflecting Film slightly peeled off, and underneath it is a footage of the legs of a person doing an ollie on a skateboard. The same footage is displayed on the screen, clearly demonstrating the high visibility of the Anti-reflecting Film. On the screen, you can see the Galaxy Z Flip6 with the Anti-reflecting Film slightly peeled off, and underneath it is a footage of the legs of a person doing an ollie on a skateboard. The same footage is displayed on the screen, clearly demonstrating the high visibility of the Anti-reflecting Film.

Qo'shimcha himoya darajasi

O'ziga xos himoya plyonkasi bilan tashqi ekrandagi aniq tasvirdan zavq oling: u nafaqat ekranni chizilish va dog'lardan himoya qiladi, balki qurilmangizning a'lo ko'rinishini uzoqroq vaqtga saqlash imkonini beradi.

*Mazkur sahifada taqdim etilgan barcha tasvirlar modellashtirilgan va qat'iy tarzda namuna maqsadida foydalaniladi.

Texnik xususiyatlari

  • Shaffof

  • Mos keladigan modellar

    Galaxy Z Flip6

  • Qutisi tarkibi

    Film, Squeegee, Dust Remover sticker, Micro Fiber Cleaner, Applicator, QSG

  • O'lchamlar (ExBxCh)

    71.7 x 99.3 x 0.2 mm

  • Og'irlik

    2 g

  • Smartphone Case

Yaqin o‘tmishda ko‘rilganlar

* Asosiy funktsiya asosiy xususiyatdan farq qilishi mumkin

* Akkumulyatorning haqiqiy hajmi (Vts) iste'mol qilinadigan tok qiymati kuchlanish qiymatiga ko'paytirish orqali aniqlanadi. Ushbu ko'rsatgich qurilmada ko'rsatilgan hajm qiymatidan (Vts) farq qilishi mumkin, chunki birinchisi ushbu qurilma tomonidan iste'mol qilingan haqiqiy quvvatga, ulangan qurilmalarning mavjudligi va foydalanish sharoitlariga bog'liq.