Galaxy Watch7 Athleisure sport tasmasi (M/L)


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Galaxy Watch7 Athleisure sport tasmasi (M/L)



{{}} {{}}



{{}} {{}}

























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    Mahsulot tugadi

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    Mahsulot tugadi





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Faol hayot tarziga yangicha nazar

Nafis Athleisure tasmasi namlikka chidamli materiallardan yaratilgan bo'lib, mustahkamligi va yumshoqligi bilan ajralib turadi. Kiyim ustidan ham taqish mumkin bo'lishi uchun u turli ranglardagi uzaytirilgan o'lchamda hamda bilagingizda qulay mahkamlanishi uchun ikkita tugma bilan taqdim etilgan. Harakatda bo'lganda ham o'z uslubingizda bo'ling.

*Athleisure Band=Asleje Bend. **Mazkur sahifada taqdim etilgan barcha tasvirlar modellashtirilgan va qat'iy tarzda namuna maqsadida foydalaniladi. ***Ranglarning mavjudligi mamlakat, mintaqa va sotuvchiga bog'liq. ****Faqat Samsung Galaxy Watch7, Watch FE, Watch6 Classic, Watch6, Watch5 Pro, Watch5, Watch4 Classic, Watch4 bilan mos keladi (qurilma to'plam ichiga kirmaydi va alohida xarid qilinadi)

Tugma bosish orqali almashtirish. Ortiqcha qiyinchiliklarsiz almashtiring.

Tasmani o'z didingizga moslab bir tugma bosish orqali almashtiring. Ushbu tasma sizning sevimli aksessuaringizga aylanadi. Ochiq havoda sayr yoki yopiq hududda mashg'ulotga borishingizdan qat'iy nazar, qulay mexanizm yordamida tasmani oson va tezda almashtirishingiz mumkin.

The band release button on the inner lining of the 20mm Galaxy Watch7 Athleisure Band is clicked to easily attach the watch body of the Galaxy Watch to the watch straps. The band release button on the inner lining of the 20mm Galaxy Watch7 Athleisure Band is clicked to easily attach the watch body of the Galaxy Watch to the watch straps.

Texnik xususiyatlari

  • Kumushrang

  • Mos keladigan modellar

    Galaxy Watch4, Galaxy Watch4 Classic, Galaxy Watch5, Galaxy Watch5 Pro, Galaxy Watch6, Galaxy Watch6 Classic, Galaxy Watch7

  • Qutisi tarkibi


  • Dimension (Hole Band, WxHxD)

    173.7 x 25.7 x 5.0 mm

  • Dimension (Buckle Band, WxHxD)

    87.0 x 28.3 x 9.7 mm

  • Og'irlik

    28.8 g

  • Material


  • Watch Strap

Yaqin o‘tmishda ko‘rilganlar

* Asosiy funktsiya asosiy xususiyatdan farq qilishi mumkin

* Akkumulyatorning haqiqiy hajmi (Vts) iste'mol qilinadigan tok qiymati kuchlanish qiymatiga ko'paytirish orqali aniqlanadi. Ushbu ko'rsatgich qurilmada ko'rsatilgan hajm qiymatidan (Vts) farq qilishi mumkin, chunki birinchisi ushbu qurilma tomonidan iste'mol qilingan haqiqiy quvvatga, ulangan qurilmalarning mavjudligi va foydalanish sharoitlariga bog'liq.