Sovutgich/Muzlatgich uchun panel Samsung BESPOKE, RR7000


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Sovutgich/Muzlatgich uchun panel Samsung BESPOKE, RR7000



{{}} {{}}



{{}} {{}}








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    {{item.originalPrice}} {{item.savePrice}} Mahsulot tugadi
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    {{item.originalPrice}} {{item.savePrice}} Mahsulot tugadi


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{{bundle.price.original}} {{}} {{}}




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Modullarni moslashuvchan tarzda birlashtiring va sozlang

Maxsus modul/kombinatsiya

Sovutgichlarni turmush tarzingizga mos ravishda sozlang va birlashtiring. Siz uni ikkita eshikli va 344L sig'imli bitta modul sifatida ishlatishingiz mumkin. Biroq, agar siz ko'proq joyni xohlasangiz, bir nechta modullarni, jumladan ikkita turli o'lchamdagi bitta eshikli modelni* yoki boshqa ikkita eshikli modelni** muammosiz birlashtira olasiz.

* Bir eshikli modellar: RR7000 va RR5000. Bitta eshikli modellar bilan birlashtirish faqat balandligi 1853 mm bo'lgan RB34A** da mavjud.** Ikki eshikli model: RB7300.*** Agar juftlik o'rnatilishini istasangiz, ularni sotib olishdan oldin kerakli modellar juftlik o'rnatishga ruxsat yoki yo'qligini tekshiring. Siz uni chakana savdo do'konida yoki veb-saytida tekshirishingiz mumkin.

Zamonaviy noyob va moslashtirilgan dizayn

Bespoke - moslashtirilgan dizayn

Moslashtirilgan dizayni bilan chiroyli zamonaviy va noyob oshxona makonini yarating. U 6 ta material tanlovida mavjud: Saten Shisha, Glam Shisha, Toza shisha, Kotta metall, Haqiqiy zanglamaydigan va po'lat metall. Va siz ularni turli xil eshik ranglari bilan birlashtira olasiz*.

Texnik xususiyatlari

  • Compatible Model

    BESPOKE 1 eshikli model (Muzlatgich / Sovutgich) RR39T yoki RZ32T mos keladi

  • Feature

    Bespoke 1 eshikli muzlatgich uchun eshik paneli

  • Rang


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