How to wash your costumes for all occasions

Costumes are always a lot of fun… until you have to wash them. Even if you use a Samsung washing machine to clean every other garment, you need to be cautious when it comes to delicate costumes. Only certain materials can be thrown in the wash. Follow this guide so you can properly wash your costumes and use them again, whether they are for Halloween, dance competitions, cosplay, or any other occasion.
Note: Certain materials like fur, leather, suede, or feathers should only be dry cleaned.
When to use a washing machine to wash costumes
Before you place anything in the washer, assess the costume to see if it’s suited for machine washing. Make sure to always check the costume’s care instructions and follow its advice! Look for the Machine Wash Safe symbol or other icons.
Usually, you can machine wash materials made from polyester, nylon, or acrylic. However, check the costumes for any embellishments or decorations that may not survive in the wash, such as sequins or beads. These embellishments may fall off during the cycle or might snag on the costume’s fabric and damage it, so it's better to hand wash them.
If you're unsure whether or not to machine wash a costume, you should hand wash it. You can see the next section for more details.

If you’re absolutely certain that the costume will be safe in the wash, you can follow these instructions:
Turn the costume inside out and place it in your washer.
Only use gentle detergents to avoid damage. For extra stain fighting power without harsh chemicals, add some white vinegar to the wash. You can also use a little bit of gentle fabric softener but don’t put too much.
Also, don’t use bleach unless the costume is completely white.
When it’s time to start the load, set your Samsung washer to the Delicates or Hand Wash cycle. If you are unsure how to do this, you can find the steps in your washer’s user manual.
The fabrics mentioned earlier (polyester, nylon, or acrylic material) can be washed in warm water most of the time, but again, please check the care label before choosing a water temperature.
After the costume has been washed, gently remove excess water but do not wring the costume! This could damage the material.
Turn the costume right side out.
Next, hang dry the costume. Do NOT use your dryer! Make sure not to use any hangers that may misshapen or stretch the costume’s material. Letting the costume hang outside or in sunlight will help it dry faster.
When it’s dry, store the costume in a cool, dry space where it won’t be exposed to moisture or mildew.
When not to use the washing machine (and how to hand wash)
The rule of thumb for costumes is “When in doubt, hand wash it.” However, you should always check the costume’s care instructions first. If it says, “Hand Wash Only,” “Do Not Machine Wash,” “Dry Clean Only” or something along those lines, listen and do NOT attempt to throw it in the wash!
In cases where the label doesn’t say what to do, just follow the rule: it’s safer to hand wash. This is especially true if it has decorations like beads or sequins. These embellishments may fall off in the wash or might snag on the costume’s fabric and damage it.
Still unsure? Costume fabrics that should always be hand washed are spandex and tulle.

When you want to hand wash a costume, follow these steps:
Turn the costume inside out.
Fill a plastic container with cold water.
Add a small amount of gentle detergent to the water. You can also use a little fabric softener if you’d like. Do not use bleach when hand washing.
Put the costume in the water and gently kneed it. Do not use too much force and don't wring the fabric because this could cause damage.
Spot clean or give extra attention to any areas that have stains.
When you’re satisfied the costume is clean, rinse the costume well with cold water. Make sure to get all of the detergent and softener out.
Turn the costume right side out.
You can use the same drying guidelines mentioned in the first section: hang dry the costume. DO NOT use your dryer! Make sure not to use any hangers that may misshapen or stretch the costume’s material. Letting the costume hang outside or in sunlight will help it dry faster.
When it’s dry, store the costume in a cool, dry space where it won’t be exposed to moisture or mildew.
Can I use my dryer?
No. Even on a Delicate or Gentle cycle, putting a costume in the dryer can damage it. You should hang dry your costumes when they are wet.
If you’re worried about getting wrinkles out of the costume, you should still not use a dryer. Check the costume’s care instructions and if all is good, dewrinkle the costume with the lowest setting on an iron or a steamer. When using an iron, do not leave it in one spot for too long because this could burn the fabric. Keep the iron moving at all times to avoid this.
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