Windows 10 upgrade information

Samsung devices generally support Windows 10, including the latest versions like 20H2. To check whether your device supports the latest update, refer to the list provided by Samsung. If your device isn't on the list, it might not support the most recent update.
Native Windows 10 support
Use Samsung Update to download necessary software, drivers, or firmware for the update. Visit the Microsoft Support page for further assistance. A comprehensive list of compatible laptop models has been included.
930XBE, 931XBE, 950XBE, 951XBE,
950XCG, 950XCJ, 951XCG, 951XCJ,
930XCG, 930XCJ, 931XCG, 931XCJ
901X5H, 901X5J, 901X5N, 901X5T
901X3H, 901X3J, 901X3N, 901X3T,
900X5H, 900X5J, 900X5N, 900X5T,
900X5U, 901X5U
900X3J, 900X3H, 900X3N, 900X3T,
900X3U, 900X3M,
900K3A, 900K5A
800G5H, 800G5L, 800G5M, 801G5H,
810G5M, 801G5M, 8500GM, 850XAC,
850XBC, 850XBD, 850XCJ, 850XCR
730XBE, 731XBE, 750XBE, 751XBE,
760XBE, 761XBE
750BBC, 751BBC
767XCL, 767XCM, 768XCL, 768XCM
550XBE, 551XBE, 55X0BE
550XAA, 550XTA, 551EAA, 551EBE,
551XAA, 55X0AA, 560XAA, 560XBE,
561XBE, 550EBE, 550XCJ, 551XCJ
560XDA, 561XDA, 560XDZ
551XTA, 55X0TA, 560XTA,
5500RM, 550EAA, 550EAB, 550EBA,
550R5M, 550R5N, 551EBA, 5500RN,
341XAA, 3500EM, 350XAA, 350XBE,
35X0AA, 340XAA, 350XBA, 351XAA,
351XBA, 35X0BA, 34X0AA,
351XBE, 35X0BE,
371B5A, 371B5M, 370E5M, 370E5A,
300E5M, 301E5M
Supports Windows 10, upgraded from Windows 8 / 8.1
Note: Some Samsung laptops require an upgrade from Windows 8/8.1 to Windows 10. Certain drivers might be missing or incorrectly installed if using a 32-bit version of Windows during the upgrade process. A comprehensive list of compatible laptop models has been included.
Book9 Plus
9430X3G, 940X3K, 930X3G
930X2K, 900X3D, 900X3E, 900X3F,
900X3G, 900X3K, 900X4C, 900X4D,
940X5J, 930X5J
Book9 Style
910S5J, 910S5K / 911S5K
Book9 Lite
915S3G, 905S3G / 905S3T / 906S3G /
9305SG, 905S3K / 9305SK, 910S3G /
910S3T, 910S3K / 910S3P / 911S3K /
880Z5E, 870Z5E / 871Z5E, 870Z5G /
740U3E, 730U3E
Book M
110S1J / 110S1Q
Series 7
780Z5E, 770Z5E, 770Z7E, 750Z5E
680Z5E, 670Z5E / 671Z5E, 630Z5J /
631Z5J / 630Z5Q
540U4E / 541U4E, 530U4E, 531U4E,
540U3C / 542U3C / 542U3X,540U3X,
530U3C / 531U3C / 532U3C / 532U3X,
535U3C / 535U3X, 501R4K / 500R4K /
5400RK, 500R5K / 501R5K, 500R5K /
501R5K / 500R5Q, 500R5H / 501R5H /
470R4E, 470R5E, 450R4E / 450R4V /
4450RV, 450R5E / 450R5V, 450R4J /
451R4J / 450R4Q / 4450RJ, 455R4J /
455R4Q, 450R5G / 450R5U, 450R5J /
450R5Q / 4550RJ
380E5J / 370E5J / 371B5J / 370E5Q / 380E5Q, 370E4K, 370E4J / 370E4Q
275E5E / 275E5V, 275E4E / 275E4V,
270E5J / 271E5J / 270E5R / 2570EJ,
270E5G / 270E5U, 270E5E / 270E5V /
2570EV / 2570EE, 270E4E / 270E4V /
2470EV / 2470EE, 270E5K / 271E5K /
270E5Q / 2570EK
Series 5
570Z5E, 530U3C / 531U3C / 532U3C /
532U3X, 535U3C / 535U3X, 530U4C /
531U4C / 532U4C, 535U4C / 535U4X,
550P5C / 551P5C, 550P7C / 551P7C,
510R4E, 510R5E
Series 3
300E4C, 300E5C / 301E5C / 300E5X /
301E5X / 3530EC / 310E5C, 370R4E /
370R4V, 370R5E / 370R5V / 3570RE
Supports Windows 10, upgraded from Windows 7
Note: Certain drivers might be missing or incorrectly installed if using a 32-bit version of Windows during the upgrade process. A comprehensive list of compatible laptop models has been included.
900X3D, 900X3G, 900X4C, 900X4D,
Book9 Style
910S5J, 910S5K / 911S5K
Book9 Lite
915S3G, 905S3G / 905S3T / 906S3G /
9305SG, 905S3K / 9305SK, 910S3K /
910S3P / 911S3K / 9310SK
880Z5E, 870Z5E / 871Z5E, 870Z5G /
670Z5E / 671Z5E, 630Z5J / 631Z5J /
530U4E / 531U4E, 530U3C / 531U3C /
532U3C / 532U3X, 501R4K / 500R4K /
450R4E / 450R4V / 4450RV, 450R5E /
450R5V, 450R4J / 451R4J / 450R4Q /
380E5J / 370E5J / 371B5J / 370E5Q /
270E5J / 271E5J / 270E5R / 2570EJ,
270E5K / 271E5K / 270E5Q / 2570EK
Series 7
780Z5E, 770Z5E, 770Z7E, 750Z5E
Series 5
570Z5E, 530U3C / 531U3C / 532U3C /
532U3X, 530U4C / 531U4C / 532U4C,
550P5C / 551P5C, 550P7C / 551P7C,
510R4E, 510R5E
Series 3
300E4C, 300E5C / 301E5C / 300E5X /
301E5X / 3530EC / 310E5C, 370R4E /
370R4V, 370R5E / 370R5V / 3570RE
Native Windows 10 support
When dealing with convertible devices, always use Samsung Update to obtain essential software, drivers, or firmware for the update. Refer to the Microsoft Support page for extra guidance. A complete list of compatible models is available.
930SBE, 931SBE, 950SBE, 951SBE,
930QAA, 931QAA, 930QBE, 931QBE,
940X3M, 940X3N, 940X5N, 930QCG,
950QAA, 950QCG, 951QCG
930QCA, 931QCA
740U3N, 730QAA, 750QUA, 750QUB
730QCJ, 731QCJ, 750QCJ, 751QCJ
2 in 1
Native Windows 10 support
When dealing with 2-in-1 devices, always use Samsung Update to obtain essential software, drivers, or firmware for the update. Refer to the Microsoft Support page for extra guidance. A complete list of compatible models is available.
W620, W623, W720, W723, W727, W728, W737, W767
All in one PCs
Native Windows 10 support
All-in-one PCs typically support Windows 10 natively. Again, utilize Samsung Update for necessary software, drivers, or firmware, and consult the Microsoft Support page for added help. A full list of compatible models has been supplied.
700A4L, 700A4M, 701A4L, 701A4M,
500A2M, 501A2M
Supports Windows 10, upgraded from Windows 8 / 8.1
Note: Some older models require an upgrade path from Windows 8/8.1 to Windows 10, keeping in mind the potential issues related to 32-bit versions. A full list of compatible models has been supplied.
One7 Curved
700A7K / 701A7K
700A7D / 701A7D, 700A3D / 701A3D,
700A4J / 701A4J
One5 Style
500A2J / 501A2J, 515A2G / 516A2G,
505A2G / 506A2G
500A2D / 501A2D
300A2AE / 300A2A / 301A2A / 300A2Z
Supports Windows 10, upgraded from Windows 7
Note: Certain drivers might be missing or incorrectly installed if using a 32-bit version of Windows during the upgrade process. A full list of compatible models has been supplied.
700A3D / 701A3D, 700A4J / 701A4J
300A2AE / 300A2A / 301A2A / 300A2Z
Native Windows 10 support
Use Samsung Update to download necessary software, drivers, or firmware for the update. Visit the Microsoft Support page for further assistance. Compatible models for desktops have been listed.
Tablet PCs
Supports Windows 10, upgraded from Windows 8 / 8.1
Note: Remember to upgrade Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 before installing Windows 10, and be aware of potential complications stemming from 32-bit versions. Compatible models for Tablet PCs have been listed.
Tab 7
700T1C / 701T1C / 7100TC
In conclusion, Samsung devices offer varying levels of compatibility with Windows 10. Always refer to the lists provided by Samsung and follow the recommended procedures for updating your device. If unsure about any technical aspects, seek clarification from Samsung customer support.
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