Properly clean and maintain your Jetbot Mop

The more you use your Jetbot Mop to clean the floors in your home, the more often you will need to clean it as well. Luckily, cleaning and caring for your Jetbot Mop is simple. Make sure the detection sensors on the main unit are kept free of dust and debris, and regularly wash the mop pads so your Jetbot Mop stays in great condition.
Clean the sensors
Your Jetbot Mop's main unit has two sensors on it that need to be cleaned regularly.
The obstacle detection sensor will recognize objects around your home, such as furniture or children’s toys, that may be blocking its path. The cliff detection sensor will prevent the Jetbot Mop from accidentally falling down a staircase or a ledge in between rooms.
Both sensors may become dusty after a while but need to remain clean so your Jetbot Mop doesn’t bump into anything. It's also helpful to clear the surrounding area before using the Jetbot Mop on your floors.

You can clean the sensors using a soft microfiber cloth or cotton cloth. A dry cloth works, or you can dampen it. Although the sensors are sensitive to benzene or alcohol products, you're welcome to use any other cleaning product (or even just plain water). If any other parts of the main unit are dusty or dirty, they can be wiped down as well.
Clean the mop pads
There are two types of mop pads included with your Jetbot Mop: gray mother yarn mop pads and green microfiber mop pads. No matter which ones you use, they should be cleaned after using your Jetbot Mop.
First, turn off the Jetbot Mop, and then detach the mop pads from the water supply kits.
Wet the mop pads with clean water. You may mix in a small amount of detergent if you wish.
Using the included silicone brush, gently clean the mop pads.
Wring out the excess water and allow the mop pads to dry before using them again.
Drain any extra water from the water supply kits.

Maintain the water supply mop kits
Caution: Remove and allow the mop pads to dry after use. Do not leave wet mops on floors for an extended period of time, as you risk damaging your floors.
To ensure they last as long as possible, you should maintain your water supply mop kits every time you finish cleaning with the Jetbot Mop. All you need to do is remove the mop kit and pour out any leftover water.
Separate the water supply mop kit from the main unit after you're done using the mopping robot. Pull out the water supply mop kit by hand. If it is hard to pull out, twist it a little bit.
Open the rubber cap and pour out any remaining water from the water supply mop kit.
First, remove the small water supply wick.
Then, rinse it with clean water. When it's dry, reinsert the wick back in the mop.
If the water supply is not working well, wash the water supply wick, as shown in the following pictures.
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