Family Hub Web Manual and frequently asked questions

Your Family Hub fridge comes with a Web Manual that you can access from the Settings menu. It details how to use the software on the Family Hub panel and will answer all your basic questions. For any questions that aren't explained in the Web Manual, this guide has you covered.
See your Web Manual
Each Family Hub model has a Web Manual specific to its version. You can find a link for your model's Web Manual in the following list. You can also find it on your Family Hub panel by navigating to Settings, tapping Help and contact us, and then tapping Online manual.
PDF user manual
For the basic user manual for the refrigerator itself, or if you don't have a Family Hub fridge, you can download your fridge's user manual using Samsung's Download Center.
Family Hub 7.0 Web Manual - Released in 2022
Bespoke Four Door French Door: RF29BB8900 (and RF23BB8900)
Bespoke Three Door French Door: RF30BB6900 (and RF24BB6900)
Family Hub 6.0 Web Manual - Released in 2021
Family Hub 5.0 Web Manual - Released in 2020
Side by Side: RS22T5561 (and RS27T5561)
Three Door French Door: RF262BEAES, RF27T5501 (and RF28T5F01)
Family Hub 4.0 Web Manual - Released in 2019
Four Door French Door: RF22R7551 (and RF28R7551)
Family Hub 3.0 Web Manual - Released in 2018
Four Door Flex: RF22N9781 (and RF28N9780)
Four Door French Door: RF22NPEDBS (and RF28NHEDBS)
Family Hub 2.5 Web Manual - Released in 2017
Four Door Flex: RF22M9581 (and RF28M9580)
Four Door French Door: RF23M8590 (and RF23M8570)
Three Door French Door: RF265BEAES
Family Hub 1.5 Web Manual - Released in 2016
Four Door Flex: RF22K9581 (and RF28K9580)
Family Hub's frequently asked questions
Here are some of the most common questions we have been asked by Family Hub owners:
What is the storage capacity for pictures on the Family Hub?
About 3GB.
How do I turn on the photo slideshow feature for my screen saver?
First, make sure to have the latest software update. Then, navigate to Settings, and tap Display. Tap Cover Screen Theme, and then tap Slideshow. Select your desired settings, and then tap Apply.
How do I get out of retail demo mode on a fridge I have purchased?
Tap anywhere on the screen and select Exit Demo. Open Settings, and perform a Factory Data Reset. Note, opening Settings will require a password. Contact us or the store you bought the fridge from to get the password.
How do I turn off Wi-Fi?
Go to Settings > Connections > Wi-Fi and look for a slider to turn it off. If there is not a slider to turn it off, then the model does not have that function. You can disconnect/forget all networks, though. You can also do this from Settings > About Family Hub > Reset network settings.
How do I upload photos without a smartphone?
The preferred method to upload photos is through SmartThings, but if you do not want to use a phone or do not have one that supports SmartThings, you can upload photos to the fridge using a USB thumbstick drive. The USB port can be found at the inside top of the back of the top-right door, behind a panel. Make sure the USB is set as FAT32.
How do I add other members of our family so we can all use our phones to upload pictures, see the shopping list, or see inside the fridge?
First, add Family Hub to SmartThings. Then, each individual member (who should have their own Samsung Account) can request to add their Samsung Accounts to your SmartThings home and, once approved by the smart home's manager, they will have full access to all devices in the home, including Family Hub.
Other answers that might help
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