Talk to your Samsung Family Hub with voice assistants

Did you ever think the day would come when you could talk to your refrigerator, and it would actually listen? With Bixby and Amazon Alexa on your Family Hub refrigerator, you can ask to see the contents of your fridge or even start playing music without lifting a finger.
Talk with Bixby on Family Hub
There are two quick, easy ways for using Bixby on Family Hub. To use voice interaction, you can tap the Bixby icon in the bottom left, or say "Hi Bixby."
Then, state your desired command. Here are some frequently used commands:
"Hi Bixby, show me what's inside the fridge."
"Hi Bixby, play Pandora."
You can also say "Hi Bixby, morning brief" or "Hi Bixby, afternoon brief" to receive the latest weather and news information, your calendar events, and food expiration reminders.
For more details and examples, tap Apps or swipe up, and then tap Explore Bixby.

Note: If Bixby does not wake up when you say "Hi Bixby," it's probably having a hard time hearing you. Make sure you are speaking clearly into the microphone located above Family Hub.
Talk with Alexa on Family Hub
Note: You will need to sign in to your Amazon account to use Alexa.
Alexa comes built-in on Family Hub! So, you can take a break from using Bixby and switch to Alexa whenever you want to. To begin, just say “Alexa” and then state your desired command. Here are some frequently used commands:
“Alexa, set a reminder.”
“Alexa, add milk to my shopping list.”
“Alexa, play Amazon music.”
Note: If Alexa does not wake up, it may be having a hard time hearing you. Make sure you are speaking clearly into the Family Hub’s microphone.
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