Solve for Tomorrow

Frequently Asked Questions
Refer to the FAQ’s below for more detail about
the contest.
Is there an example application we can view?
Do you have any tips on how to bring problem-based learning to life in the virtual classroom?
Which schools are eligible to participate in the contest?
Do I have to be a STEM teacher?
Does it matter whether my class is virtual or in-person?
Does class size affect eligibility?
Do I have to break the class up into groups or can this be an exercise for the whole class?
How do I know the status of my application?
How do I know if I am selected to move on to the next phase of the contest?
How can I make sure I do not miss any information about the contest from Solve for Tomorrow?
Will the contest events be in person this year?
How many people can come to the in-person events?
What will I win if I am a State Winner, National Finalist or National Winner?
No purchase necessary to enter or win in the Samsung “Solve for Tomorrow” Education Contest. Open to legal residents of the 50 United States, 21 or older & currently employed at a public school teacher, grades 6–12. Contest begins 8/27/24. For Official Rules and judging criteria, click here.
Sponsor: Samsung Electronics America, Inc. Samsung is registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. All other product and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.