3 ways a smart home can
simplify your life
From easy recipes to hosting tips, learn how the experts save time and get more done.
Chef Esther Choi and a store associate show the benefits of connected devices in the kitchen.
The best life hacks are those clever little solutions that cut out the hassle and help you do more of what you love. That’s what the SmartThings app1 is all about — you teaming up with your smart devices to improve your day-to-day. We wanted to see how some of our favorite influencers from the worlds of food, productivity and hosting would use it, so we gathered them together at the Samsung 837 flagship store in New York City and let them play. Here’s what they loved (i.e., some great ideas you should steal immediately).
Your kitchen can be your sous-chef
Between food prep, cooking and cleaning, the kitchen may be the most time-demanding room in the house. So chef and restaurateur Esther Choi (@choibites) appreciates how SmartThings can handle the little tasks and help her maximize her culinary creativity. “I like to try a new recipe every week,” she said. “The Smart Recipes app on the Family Hub lets me search for exactly what I want without leaving the kitchen.”
You can send a recipe straight to the Bespoke Smart Electric Range² and the oven settings kick in automatically. (For safety, it will also turn off if it has been on too long.³) Running low on ingredients? Family Hubᵀᴹ will help you set yourself up to order them from your grocery store⁴ — and when you’re there, you can even see what food you already have in the Family Hubᵀᴹ refrigerator on your Galaxy S23. Bon appétit.
Assemble your own
smart kitchen
Bespoke Smart Electric Range
A fast-heating induction oven with Air Fry and Convection+ technology.
Your home is your personal life coach
It’s easier to live your best life when your home can help you out. Lifestyle influencer Carlos D. Harris Jr. (@carlosdharrisjr) saw major benefits from SmartThings, especially the Samsung Health app on Samsung Smart TVs. It comes loaded with workout videos and a Smart Trainer⁶ that advises you on your form. “This is huge,” Carlos said. “Not everybody has the time or money for a personal trainer.”
And when you’re done working out, you can throw your sweaty clothes and towel in a Bespoke Washer with Auto Optimal Wash, which reduces waste by using only the necessary water, energy and detergent. “I usually go to work right after my morning exercise, so having the laundry already handled saves a lot of steps," he said.
For the workday, Carlos liked how the SmartView feature on Galaxy S23 Ultra let him instantly connect to a Smart Monitor so he could edit his day-in-the-life videos on a bigger screen. (No cables or connection headaches.) And when it’s time to wind down, Carlos can just rest his phone on the SmartThings Station⁷ and an automated nighttime routine will begin. The lights dim, the bedroom blinds descend and a relaxing playlist starts. When the morning comes, the lights turn on, the blinds go up and he’s ready to crush it all over again.
Seize the day with these smart devices
Galaxy S23 Ultra
Raising the bar with a 200 MP camera, the highest resolution on a phone.
You can host the party — and enjoy it yourself
Entertaining is all about creating a warm, welcoming atmosphere, which is one of Chef Chris Cho’s greatest skills. That casual tone extends to the food he makes for the party. “I improvise a lot,” he said. “I’ll experiment with the ingredients I have, and when I’m done, it’s ‘a recipe.’” The Smart Recipes app on Family Hubᵀᴹ is perfect for this, monitoring which ingredients are in the fridge and telling you delicious dishes you can make from them. As party guests arrive, Chris (@chefchrischo) can answer the door⁹ from the Family Hubᵀᴹ camera, letting friends in without having to leave the kitchen.
A tap on his Galaxy Tab S8 and the connected lights turn down to create a party vibe. On his Galaxy S23, Chris can show his friends what food and drinks he has in the Family Hubᵀᴹ and they can make their selections without ever having to get up from the couch.
To make the party even livelier, friends can gather around the Samsung Neo QLED Smart TV and use Multi View to watch different content at the same time. Chris likes the idea of scrolling his social feed and watching a show simultaneously, but he also sees big benefits for a game watch party. “Multi View’s going to be huge for basketball season,” he said. “Four games at the same time? Not a problem. They’re all in the same place.” When the last guest leaves, Chris can tap a button on his phone and activate the JetBot AI+ Robot Vacuum and super-quiet Smart Linear Wash Dishwasher. Sleeping in is much better than morning cleanup.
Host smarter with these top picks
Samsung Neo QLED Smart TV
Bring the smallest details to life with pristine contrast, color and design.
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- 1Available on Android & iOS devices. A Wi-Fi connection and a Samsung account are required.
- 2Requires initial setup using the SmartThings App to activate SmartThings Cooking service. SmartThings App (available on Android and iOS devices) and a Wi-Fi connection is required. Samsung SmartThings appliances communicate directly with each other. SmartThings Cooking will send recipe data straight to your smart range or oven to make sure that your settings are entered precisely.
- 3By activating the 12 hour energy saving feature, the Bespoke Smart Electric Range will automatically turn off the oven after 12 hours during baking functions or after 3 hours after a broil function.
- 4The Family Hub™ comes preloaded with a shopping list app that allows you to add items to your shopping list, and also add items to your shopping cart. It allows you to select grocers with your zip code coverage area for fridge-to-door shopping.
- 5Family Hub™ owners can watch shows on the Family Hub screen in two ways.
1.) They can mirror their Samsung smart TV directly on the Family Hub screen by using the smart view function preloaded on the Family Hub™.
2.) They can also access the preloaded Samsung TV Plus app on the screen to watch over 200 TV channels. Family hub, smart TVs, Tabs and mobile phones all come preloaded with smart view function without the need to download an app. - 6Compatible camera required. Sold separately.
- 7Smart devices compatible with SmartThings Station sold separately and require set-up on the SmartThings app.
- 8Requires smartphone with Android 8.0 or later, 1.5GB or more RAM and Samsung Health app (free) version 6.22 or later.
- 9The Family Hub™ comes preloaded with a dedicated Ring Doorbell app which allows users to log into their Ring account and see who is at the door when they ring the bell. Note: Ring is the only preloaded 3rd smart device app on The Family Hub™ and is the only doorbell users can see pop up on the screen or smart TV in real time.