Samsung Business Financing

Get approval faster than getting coffee

Buying best-in-class technology is a breeze with Samsung Business Financing. Receive your credit approval and start shopping in as little as 30 seconds.

Financing to keep your business growing

Easily add extra devices with flexible terms that expand with your evolving business.

Management for uninterrupted cash flow

Manage everything all in one easy-to-use online service.

How it works

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Price, Promotion, Processing: Pricing, delivery date and other errors may be withdrawn or revised and/or your order may be cancelled at any time, without prior notice, before we have both (a) shipped or provided access to your product or service, and (b) received your payment for the product or service. All sales on are subject to the full Terms of Sale. Samsung is not responsible for any errors, omissions or misdirected or lost orders, or orders which may be delayed. Samsung reserves the right to modify pricing and modify or cancel promotions at any time, without prior notice.

ǂWhen paid within the terms of your agreement.

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