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7.2 cu. ft. Gas Dryer with Sensor Dry in White

7.2 cu. ft. Gas Dryer with Sensor Dry in White

DVG45T3200W/A3 /
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7.2 cu. ft. Gas Dryer with Sensor Dry in White
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7.2 cu. ft. Gas Dryer with Sensor Dry in White
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  • for Business
  • •Our large capacity dryers feature Sensor Dry and 8 Preset Drying Cycles, so you can do fewer loads in less time.

Delivery Details

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To ensure your safety and the safety of our delivery agents, we continue to offer Free Delivery to you using a safe method, in either a room of your choice or external area that you decide. Learn more

  • Install Dryer – Gas

    We provide professional delivery and home installation services.

    Installation instructions >
    $ 69.97 $ 69.97
  • Haul away Old Appliance

    We will haul away your old appliance and recycle them.

    $ 15.00 $ 15.00
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7.2 cu. ft. Gas Dryer with Sensor Dry in White $649.00$949
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    Samsung Business Account
    Get exclusive deals, volume pricing, free shipping and flexible financing on a wide range of Samsung technology for your business.

    Worry-free drying

    Sensor Dry

    Automatically optimizes the time and temperature of your drying cycle to protect your clothes from heat damage, while avoiding excess energy use.*

    Worry-free drying

    8 preset drying cycles

    More cycles to cover almost every drying need
    for your active family.

    8 Preset Drying Cycles

    Flexible opening

    Reversible Dryer Door

    Choose the direction your dryer door opens to better suit your laundry room layout.

    Flexible opening

    Easy to troubleshoot

    Smart Care

    Easy troubleshooting from the convenience of your smartphone.*
    Smart Care interacts with your washer and dryer to perform an immediate diagnosis and offer quick solutions.

    Easy to troubleshoot

    Stop the fluff

    Stop the fluff

    Lint Filter Indicator

    Stop worrying about lint or fluff building up and blocking your dryer’s air intake.
    The Filter Check Indicator light on the control panel will provide you with a helpful reminder when it is time to clean the filter, so your dryer maintains optimal performance.

    Fit more for fewer loads

    Large 7.2 cu. ft. Capacity

    Fewer loads, less time in the laundry room and more time doing the things you love.

    Fit more for fewer loads
    Perfect pair

    Perfect pair

    Samsung washers and dryers team up to make light work of laundry, while looking great in your laundry room.

    Get ready for delivery

    Check to make sure your appliance will fit and that your home is accessible for delivery.

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    Sensor Dry
    Sensor Dry
    8 Preset Drying Cycles
    8 Preset Drying Cycles
    Reversible Dryer Door
    Reversible Dryer Door
    Smart Care
    Smart Care
    Lint Filter Indicator
    Lint Filter Indicator
    Large 7.2 cu. ft. Capacity
    Large 7.2 cu. ft. Capacity



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