What is Multi Window and how to use it on Galaxy Tab S?
Last Update date : Aug 03. 2022
With Multi Window feature, you can run two apps on the screen at the same time. You can use this feature to view emails or use the Internet while you play a video simultaneously.
Galaxy Tab S
On the Apps screen, tap Settings > DEVICE > Multi window. Tap the Multiwindow switch to activate it. Alternatively, open the quick setting/notification panel and tap Multiwindow to activate it
Drag your finger from the right edge of the screen towards the middle of the screen to open the Multi window tray. Alternatively, tap and hold
Tap and hold an app icon to launch from the Multi window tray, and then drag it to the screen.Release the app icon when the screen turns blue
Tap and hold another app icon on the Multi window tray, and then drag it to a newlocation
App icons marked with
can be launched in separate windows on the screen at thesame time
App icons marked with
Galaxy Tab S2
to open the list of recently used apps
Swipe upwards or downwards and tap
on a recent app window.The selected app will launch in the upper window
Swipe to the left or right to select another app to launch
Galaxy Tab S3
to open the list of recently used apps
Swipe upwards or downwards and tap on a recent app window.The selected app will launch in the upper window
In the lower window, swipe upwards or downwards to select another app to launch.To launch apps not in the list of recently used apps, tap MORE APPS and select an app
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