About SmartThings for Watch

Does the SmartThings app for Watch support service cards?
Currently, only some Scenes are supported, and only some devices can be controlled.
Support for additional service cards such as energy, air quality, etc. is coming soon.
I can’t see a registered device in the SmartThings app for Watch
Open the SmartThings app on your smartphone. Add the card for the device in the device tab to ¨Favourites¨.
The device will now be visible on your Watch.
How do I update the SmartThings app for Watch?
If you have enabled automatic updates in Google Play Store, the app will update automatically.
You can also search the app on Google Play Store and update manually.
The device list and device statuses on the SmartThings app for Watch are different from the device list on my smartphone (Sync failed)
The connection between your phone and watch may have been lost. For SmartThings for Watch to work properly, your phone and watch must be properly connected.
Make sure the connected phone is connected to a network.
Does SmartThings for Watch support widgets?
Only Scenes widgets are currently supported. Device status/control widgets are not supported yet.
Open the SmartThings app for Watch to access the features you want to use.
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