How to fix the disconnection between my TV and SmartThings app

Last Update date : Feb 02. 2022

If the connection between SmartThings and your Samsung TV is unstable, you should check the basic settings. Have uninterrupted fun while the family is watching a movie or watching your favorite content.

tv smartthings connection

Check the wireless network status


Data reception may be slow, or temporary interruptions may occur when loading the app. If the router and the TV are far apart, the communication may not be smooth and registration may fail.

tap settings tap settings

Step 1. Tap Settings on your smartphone.

select connections select connections

Step 2. Tap Connections.

select Wi Fi select Wi Fi

Step 3. Tap Wi-Fi.

enter the password enter the password

Step 4. Select the router and enter your PIN (If necessary).

Note: If more than 10 devices are connected to the router, the registration may fail.

Check for software updates


Make sure the software on your smartphone and SmartThings app is up to date, and if necessary, update the firmware of your TV as well.

Note: The SmartThings app is compatible with phones running Android 8.0 or higher, and iOS 12.0 or higher.

SmartThings app menu SmartThings app menu

Step 1. Tap Menu (the three horizontal lines).

smartthings settings smartthings settings

Step 2. Tap SmartThings Settings.

SmartThings app information SmartThings app information

Step 3. Swipe to and tap About SmartThings.

smartthings software update smartthings software update

Step 4. If an update is available, tap Update.

Step 1. Press the Home button on the remote and navigate to Settings.

tv settings home

Step 2. Select Support > Software Update.

tv software update

Step 3. Select Update Now.

tv software update now


  • If you are having trouble with your Samsung Smart TV, you should always check to see if there are any software updates available as these may contain a fix for your problem.
  • Device screenshots and menus may vary depending on the device model and software version.

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