The ring tone (bell ring) sounds low

Last Update date : 23 November 2020

If a specific bell or ring tone sounds low, it could be the default volume of that tone. But if all ring tones sound low, it could be a speaker problem. You may do the following troubleshooting steps:


Step 1: Maximise the volume. Check this thru: Settings > Sound > Volume > then adjust the Ringtone slider to desired volume then tap the OK button to save changes.




If this does not resolve the issue, proceed to the next step.


Step 2: Change the ring tone to default. If it still does not work after changing to default ring tone, proceed to the next step.


Step 3: Restart the device. To restart the device, hold down the power button and tap Restart from the screen.




Step 4: If restarting the device does not resolve the issue, device needs to be checked for speaker issues. Call Samsung Customer Care (number given below) regarding service booking for the unit.



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