Enabling Swype mode in Samsung keyboard settings
Please Note: The information on this page is for New Zealand products only. Sequences or settings will vary depending on location and/or where the product had been purchased. To be redirected to your local support page please click here.
Swype™ is a text input method that allows you to enter a word by sliding your finger from letter to letter, lifting your finger between words (for space). Swype uses error-correcting algorithms and a language model to predict the next word. This also includes a tapping predictive text system
Note: The name used for the "Swype" feature may change depending on the Language setting selected.
Here is where you can select the keyboard swipe controls. You can choose from No swipe gestures, Swipe to type, or if you would like to turn on Cursor control.
Here is where you can select which the swipe to text option or if you would like to turn on cursor control.
Note: this refers to swype method
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