What is Dolby Atmos?

Last Update date : 23 November 2020
dolby, atmos, S9, S9+, audio

In this FAQ:


  • What is Dolby Atmos?
  • How to activate Dolby Atmos feature


What is Dolby Atmos


Dolby Atmos is a surround sound technology that brings you 3D cinematic experience.

This is a new level of audio experience on Samsung Galaxy S9/9+.

It was first used in cinema and increasingly available on TVs and home entertainment devices.  

Benefits to S9/S9+ are:


  • Immersive virtual surround sound effect
  • Richer audio experience for movies, music and voice
  • Supports both headphone andstereo speakers


How to activate Dolby Atmos


  1. Go to Settings > Tap Sounds and Vibration.
  2. Scroll down and look for Sound Quality and Effects > Tap on Dolby Atmos.
  3. 4 options are available: Auto, Movie, Music and Voice.
  4. Select your preferred option or keep default setting at ‘Auto’.


You can also quickly activate Dolby Atmos from the notification panel:


  1. Open the notification panel by dragging the status bar downwards.
  2. Tap on the 3 vertical dots menu button on the top right > Tap Button order. 
  3. Drag the Dolby Atmos icon into the quick settings panel and now you can easily activate or deactivate the Dolby Atmos feature.

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