How to report a Samsung Music error

Last Update date : Dec 13. 2022

If you are using Samsung Music and an error occurs, you can always report the problem quickly and easily. Sending an error report helps us check the issue, so we can fix it immediately and provide you with better service in the future.

Image of Samsung Music icon with the background of the app screens.

How to report an error on your device

If you want to report an error on your device while you are using Samsung Music, follow these steps.

Step 1. Download the "Samsung Members" app if it is not already installed. Step 1. Download the "Samsung Members" app if it is not already installed.

Step 1. If you do not have already installed, download Samsung Members app.

Step 2. Press the More button [three dots in the upper right corner] and tap the “Settings” menu. Step 2. Press the More button [three dots in the upper right corner] and tap the “Settings” menu.

Step 2. Tap on more options icon and select “Settings”.

Step 3. Select “Contact us” at the bottom of the screen. Step 3. Select “Contact us” at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3. Select “Contact us” option.

Step 4. Tap “Error Reports” to send your report with the system log data. Step 4. Tap “Error Reports” to send your report with the system log data.

Step 4. Tap on “Errors reports” to send your report. You must send with the system log data. (If the issue occurred in the last 5 minutes).

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