What to do when the Samsung TV is not turning ON?

Last Update date : Jan 19. 2024

इस लेख को हिंदी में देखने के लिए कृपया यहाँ क्लिक करें

Step 1. Press the Power button on the remote.

If the TV does not turn on, but the red standby light is lit, then there could be an issue with the remote. 

Step 2. Press the power button located at the bottom of the TV.

The Power button's location may varies depending on your TV's model. If you are not sure where it is located, see your user manual.


  • If the TV turns ON with the TV's physical button, then your remote is having a problem. Check out our guide for troubleshooting the remote.
  • If the TV will not turn ON with the TV's physical button or the remote, then continue to the next step.

Step 3: Request service for your TV.

If your TV is getting power (indicated by the red standby light being lit) but will not turn ON with either the remote or the physical button on the TV, then service is needed. Please contact us for more details.

Step 1: Without using the remote, press any button on your TV except the Power button.

Most newer TVs have buttons on the back right side. Without using the remote, press any button except the Power button. If anything appears on screen, this confirms your TV is on. You can refer No picture guide for troubleshooting.

Step 2: Unplug the TV for 30 seconds.

Unplug the TV and leave it unplugged for 30 seconds. Additionally, you can check the power cord.

Note: If found power cord damaged then please contact us.

unplug the TV

Step 3: Plug the TV into a working outlet.

Next, plug the TV back in, using an outlet you know works (you can test the outlet with another device, like a lamp).

  • If the red standby light comes on (and doesn't flash or blink), your TV is receiving power and will probably turn on now. This means there is an issue with the original outlet, or the surge protector if you were using one.
  • If the TV still doesn't turn on even though the red standby light is now on, continue troubleshooting in the section, the red standby light is on.
Check socket with other appliance

Step 4: Check OCB (One Connect Box) connections

If TV has One Connect Box (OCB), remove the power cable and Active Optical cable and reconnect.

OCB connectivity

Step 5: Request service for your TV.

If the standby light never comes on after trying a working outlet, and the TV will not turn on.

Please contact us.

Set up the TV for service.

If the TV still won't turn on and the red standby light is still blinking, this is a sign that something is wrong with your TV. 

Please contact us.

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