What are the Requirements for Using Voice Recognition in Samsung H series TV(UA40H6400)?

Last Update date : Oct 14. 2020

Voice Recognition is termed as computer analysis of the human voice, especially for the purposes of interpreting words and phrases or identifying an individual voice. New sophisticated Samsung's Smart Interaction technology enables you to operate your TV without pushing a button. You can easily control functions such as turning on/off your TV, changing channels, accessing apps and navigating the web using simple voice commands.




Requirements for Using Voice Recognition are as follows :


● Voice Control and the Turn TV On voice command should be used within 4m of the TV.


● Perform the Voice Recognition Environment Test prior to using Voice Control to test the level and clarity of your voice and the ambient sound level of the surrounding area. Ambient noise can cause Voice Controls to malfunction. (Suitable Ambient Noise Level: Less than 40 dB, *40 dB is the noise level inside a library or on a residential street during the day.) Visit the Samsung website for a list of standard voice commands.


● The voice recognition rate varies depending on the volume/tone, pronunciation, and ambient sound environment (TV sound and ambient noise).


Last Updated on: 30/04/2014

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