What are the Requirements for Using Motion Recognition in Samsung H series TV(UA40H6400)?

Last Update date : Oct 14. 2020

Samsung's new sophisticated Smart Interaction technology enables you to operate your TV without pushing a button. You can easily control functions such as changing channels/volume, accessing apps and navigating the web using finger motions.




Requirements for Using Motion Recognition are as follows :


● Before using motion recognition, make sure the TV's camera has been turned on.

● You should be located between 1.5m and 3.5m from the camera. The actual recognition range may vary depending on the camera angle and other factors.

● Motion Control relies on the TV camera and therefore will not function if the camera is pointed up or down. Adjust the camera's angle using the wheel on the back of the camera. Do not point the camera directly at the sun or any other light source or obstruct its view.

● For the camera to recognise movement, you have to stand out from the background.

● The appropriate ambient brightness is 50 to 500 lux. (100 Lux: Bathroom, 400 Lux: Living Room)

● Avoid direct sunlight when using Motion Control.

● Run the Motion Control Environment Test to assess the camera's recognition range before using Motion Control.


Last Updated on: 30/04/2014

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