What are the basic voice control commands in Samsung H Series TV?

Last Update date : Oct 27. 2020

You can access and select certain menu options and functions using Voice commands. For more effective voice recognition, speak slowly and clearly in the language specified in the language option in your Samsung TV. Lets familiarize you with the basics of using Voice Control. You can run Voice Recognition Tutorial from the Support menu, or run Voice Control and say "Tutorial" for more assistance.




Learning Voice Control Basics in Samsung H series TV :

● Moving the focus : Say "Left", "Right", "Up", or "Down" to move the focus. However, these commands can only be used in situations when the focus can be moved.
● Selecting an item : Say "Select" to confirm the selection.
● All Voice Commands : Say "Help" to display the complete list of voice commands, organized by category.
● Deactivating Voice Control : Press VOICE button. This terminates Voice Control.


NOTE : The TV recognizes predefined voice commands only, and the voice commands may differ from the manual depending on the version.


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