How to Rearrange Apps in Series 6 4K UHD TV(KU6470)?
You can organize the layout of Home screen by Rearranging the apps according to your desire and the usage.
Press the Home button on your Samsung Smart Control → Select Application → Press Down Directional Pad on your remote → Move → Navigate to desired Location → Press Select Button on your remote
Pictorial representation to Rearrange Apps in your TV is as follows:
a). Press the Home Button on your Samsung Smart Control, to access the Home Screen.
b). Navigate to the Application that you would like to rearrange. In this case, for example, select APPS, then press the Down Directional Pad on your remote, to bring up the additional menu.
c). Select Move to rearrange the selected application.
d). Using the Directional pad on your remote, navigate to the newly desired Location. In this case, for example, we will be moving the application to the Left.
e). Press the Select Button on your remote, to place the application in the newly desired location.
CLICK HERE to know how to Remove an App from Series 6 4K UHD TV (KU6470).
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