when using wireless charging pad, how can I check whether charging is working normally?

Last Update date : Oct 14. 2020

If charging is started properly, a Charging pop-up will appear and a sound will play on the device and the battery icon will be changed to the charging icon and the device indicator LED will light Red. In the wireless charging pad , the LED will light up Blue. When the charging is completed, the battery icon will be changed to a full charged icon and the device indicator LED will light green. In the wireless charging pad , the LED will light up Green.




 If you use an old wired charger with low power like 5V/1A or 5V/0.7A to supply power to the wireless charging pad, LED on pad will light up Cyan. It’s possible to charge but the charging speed may be slow and charging time for full charging will take long than normal. We recommend you connect the right 5V/2A charger to the wireless pad.


NOTE : On the device, a pop-up will appear when charging is started. During charging, device indicator LED will be overwritten by another color when another event happens ( Example: SMS, messenger )


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