What is Smart Relay feature in Samsung Galaxy Gear(SM-V700)?
Notification & Smart Relay is one of the striking features of Samsung Galaxy Gear with the help of which you can experience seamless communication from your Galaxy Gear to your phone. When you get an important notification on Galaxy Gear, your phone will automatically show the message by picking up the message from the Galaxy Gear. Therefore you can enjoy the delightful communication without the hassle of any additional steps.
An image showing the connection between
Samsung Galaxy Gear and Samsung Galaxy Note3
Smart Relay feature uses low-power Bluetooth to communicate Samsung Galaxy Gear with your Smartphone (only the Galaxy Note 3 as of now). When you pair the Galaxy Gear smartwatch with the Note 3:
● The Watch talks to the phone to let you control music or view notifications without taking the phone out of your pocket. And it works the other way, too.
● The Gear Manager companion app installed on your Samsung Galaxy Note 3 lets you adjust the settings of your watch.
● Other options include the Find My Device feature: lose track of your phone, and you can use your watch to signal the errant blower, which will make a racket until you locate it. And vice versa: lose your watch, and use the companion app on your phone to set the watch ringing so you can return it to its rightful place on your wrist.
CLICK HERE to know all about Samsung Galaxy Gear (SM-V700).
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