What is Remote ViewFinder mode in Samsung Galaxy S5(SM-G900H)?
Last Update date : Oct 14. 2020
Now you can use your Samsung Galaxy S5 (SM-G900H) as a Viewfinder for another device. You can control the other device remotely to take photos or videos from a distance.

You can enable this mode from the Camera Settings in the Apps screen.
NOTE :The device you want to connect should also support the Remote Viewfinder mode.
Last Updated on: 14/04/2014
Please follow the steps listed below to setup the Remote ViewFinder feature:
Turn on the camera.
Turn the mode dial to Wi-Fi.
Select the Remote View Finder icon. If a message appears to download the app, select Next.
Using the smart phone, open the Samsung Smart Camera App. To start the app automatically on a NFC-enabled smart phone, turn on the NFC function and place the smart phone near the NFC tag of the camera.
Select the camera from the list and connect the smart phone to the camera.
Using the camera, allow the smart phone to connect to the camera.
Note: After the first time, the camera and smart phone will connect automatically.
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