What is IEEE 802.11g Wireless LAN(WLAN) technology?

Last Update date : Oct 27. 2020

After 802.11a and 802.11b technologies for Wireless LAN , a new technology got introduced in the market known as 802.11g. This new technology attempts to combine the best of both 802.11a and 802.11b Wireless LAN Technologies.






802.11g Performance
802.11g Wi-Fi supports maximum network bandwidth of 54 Mbps compared to 11 Mbps for 802.11b and 150 Mbps or more for the newer 802.11n Wi-Fi.


802.11g Radio Signaling
To maintain backward compatibility with older Wi-Fi network equipment, 802.11g uses the same 2.4 GHz range of communication frequencies as 802.11b.


Pros of 802.11g Wireless LAN Technology:

● It has very Fast operating speed.

● The signal range is also good and is not easily obstructed.

Cons of 802.11g Wireless LAN Technology:

● The major disadvantage of 802.11g Wireless LAN Technology is that it costs more than 802.11b technology.

● The Appliances present in the surroundings may interfere on the unregulated signal frequency since the operating frequency is 2.4GHz.


CLICK HERE to know all about IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Technology.  

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