What are the problems related to Handwriting Input in Samsung Galaxy Note3(SM-N900)?
Last Update date : Oct 13. 2020
Samsung Galaxy Note3 (SM-N900) has lately witnessed a problem regarding Handwriting Input using S-Pen. Although text is inputted by handwriting using S Pen, the device doesn’t recognize handwriting input.

Please note that a software update is required to fix the problem. If you update the Samsung keyboard of Galaxy Note3 to the latest version from Google Play Store, it will help you to use the handwriting function without difficulty.
NOTE: Once you have updated your device , you need to restart the device after update in order to apply this update.

Please note that a software update is required to fix the problem. If you update the Samsung keyboard of Galaxy Note3 to the latest version from Google Play Store, it will help you to use the handwriting function without difficulty.
NOTE: Once you have updated your device , you need to restart the device after update in order to apply this update.
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