Using the Touch screen of the Samsung REX 60(GT-C3312) efficiently.

Last Update date : Oct 13. 2020

Samsung REX 60 (GT-C3312) is a phone that comes with a big 2.8 inch Touch screen giving the user a joy of viewing all the message, pictures and much more in a bigger and better way. There are few techniques that you should follow for maintaining the longevity of Touch screen of your phone.




Follow some of the procedures given below :


● Touch once to select or launch a menu , option or application.

● To avoid scratching the touch screen, do not use sharp tools.

● For the optimal use of the touch screen , remove the protection film before using your phone.

● Your touch screen has a layer that detects small electrical charges emitted by the human body.For best performance , Tap the touch screen with your fingertip.The touch screen will not react to touches of sharp tools such as a stylus or pen.


CLICK HERE to get a complete Walkaround of Samsung REX 60.

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