Why doesn’t the food get browned in Microwave Oven?
Last Update date : Oct 12. 2020
- In a conventional oven, browning is caused by high temperature breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates and by a reaction between amino acids and sugar. Due to presence of hot air in oven cavity, the surface begins to dry.
- In a microwave oven, food surface temperature remains relatively low in most cases, and therefore, charring does not take place, unless a browning element is used. Moreover, the steam arising from food, when in contact with cool air in the oven cavity, condenser leaves a moist food surface. Hence, browning is not achieved.
- To overcome this, convection microwave has been introduced, which operates like a conventional grill, baked food can be cooked in this since it has a browning element.This should be used, either before or after the cooking process.
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