How to deal with Stinky Smell/Odour in fridge?
To get rid of smell issues; follow the pantry basics mentioned below:
● Use baking soda
To get rid of odours, spread a box of baking soda across a baking sheet and place in refrigerator.Keep the door closed until the smell disappears, then discard the baking soda.To try and counteract everyday odours, keep an open box of baking soda in your fridge at all times.
● Add vinegar
White vinegar neutralizes many of the smells same as baking soda. Put an open cup or bowl in the fridge, or mix it in with water as an effective cleaning solution.
● Use oats as an odour-absorber
Leave a bowl of oats out in your fridge and this will suck in the bad smells.
● Use coffee grounds
Place dry, fresh coffee grounds in a couple of shallow bowls or spread across baking sheets. Keep the bowls or sheets on different levels of your refrigerator. The smells should go away within a few days.
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