networks with Samsung vRAN
Suite, or Samsung SMO, enables multi-party
end-to-end network automation from network
deployment, operation, analysis and
optimization for easier and more efficient
network management. With network
automation, operators can increase their
efficiencies by minimizing human error to
flexibly activate network changes and/or

*Done manually, it would take 5.5 hours to install each server.
solution for vRAN

vRAN accolades
- Analysys Mason said that Samsung is “influential in the Open RAN space” with “significant radio expertise and credibility with brownfield operators” in June 2023
- OMDIA named Samsung as the #1 vendor for Open vRAN based on 1H 2023 revenue
- Dell’Oro named Samsung a top Open RAN supplier in 2022 and Q1 2023
- Samsung’s 5G vRAN won the CTO’s Choice & Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough GLOMO awards in February 2022
Samsung vRAN
[Blog] Virtualized RAN and Open RAN Bring Confidence to Global Operators
[Blog] The Key to Collaboration: Building a Secure Open RAN Ecosystem
[Blog] Breaking Technology Barriers
[Blog] The Potential of 5G RedCap and Energy Efficiency
[Video] What makes Samsung vRAN unique?
[Blog] From Boxes to Bits: The Evolution of the Virtualized Network
[Video] Unseen but powerful: Samsung vRAN 3.0 is changing the telecom industry
[Blog] Samsung at MWC 2024: Transforming the Networks of the Future
[Blog] Samsung Deploys 38,000 O-RAN Compliant vRAN Commercial Sites Around the World
[Video] Creating greener networks with Samsung virtualized RAN
[Video] Smarter everyday, Samsung's vRAN 3.0
[PR] Samsung Announces the Next Phase of Its 5G vRAN
[PR] Samsung Automates Deployment and Operation of Virtualized RAN with Samsung Cloud Orchestrator
[Video] Samsung Networks @ MWC 2023 - The age of virtualization
[Video] Unwrapped: Next Generation Networks
[Video] vRAN Benefits for Operator
[Video] Automation for virtualized RAN (vRAN)
[WP] Virtualization is the Present and Future of Mobile Networks
[Blog] vRAN Drives Operators Ahead
[WP] vRAN makes future upgrades easy
[PR] Samsung’s 5G vRAN Wins CTO’s Choice and Best Mobile Technology Breakthrough at the GLOMO Awards at MWC 2022
[Video] Demystifying ORAN and vRAN
[Blog] Samsung is Redefining Networks of the Future
[Blog] As 5G C-Band Networks Go Live, vRAN Plays Central Role
[PR] KDDI Selects Samsung to Deploy Open RAN Powered by virtualized RAN in Japan
[Video] Boost Verizon's network for remarkable customer experience at 2024 Preaknes
[Blog] Delivering Industry-First 2G vRAN in Shared Open RAN in Europe
[PR] O2 Telefónica and Samsung Launch vRAN and Open RAN Network in Germany
[Video] Samsung Networks @MWC24 | Vodafone and Samsung Networks for Open RAN expansion in Europe
[Video] TELUS and Samsung Networks are bringing vRAN, Open RAN to Canada
[PR] TELUS Partners with Samsung to Build Canada’s First 5G Virtualized RAN, Open RAN Network
[PR] Samsung and Vodafone Complete First Data Call With AMD Processors on an Open RAN Network
[PR] Samsung, Verizon and Keysight Advance Commercial Open RAN with Extensive Conformance and Interoperability Testing
[PR] Samsung Plays Key Role in Delivering First 4G Calls over Shared Open RAN in Vodafone and Orange Pilot in Romania
[PR] Samsung and O₂ Telefónica to Jointly Test Modern vRAN and Open RAN Technologies in Germany
[Video] Vodafone and Samsung Roll Out Mass Open RAN Across the United Kingdom
[PR] Vodafone and Samsung Begin Mass Open RAN Rollout Across the United Kingdom
[Video] Samsung and DISH Wireless Launch Virtual Open RAN 5G Network
[PR] DISH Wireless Launches Virtual Open RAN 5G Network with Samsung
[PR] KDDI starts commercial deployment of 5G Open vRAN sites in Japan in collaboration with Samsung Electronics and Fujitsu Limited
[PR] Samsung and Verizon Charge Ahead with vRAN
[PR] Vodafone Announces Plans for Open RAN Commercial Pilot in Germany
[PR] Vodafone and Samsung Cooperate with Marvell to Accelerate Open RAN Performance and Adoption
[PR] DISH Wireless Selects Samsung Electronics for 5G Open Radio Access Network Rollout
[PR] KDDI Successfully Turns On the World’s First 5G Standalone Open RAN Site Powered by vRAN in Japan
[PR] Vodafone UK and Samsung Switch on First 5G Open RAN Site in the United Kingdom
[PR] Samsung and Qualcomm Achieve Innovative Industry-First Milestone with Advanced Modulation Technology
[Video] First call over 100% pure software vRAN
[Video] Industry's first E2E call using Intel's Granite Rapids-D
[Video] End-to-end cloud network from RAN to Core leveraging AWS cloud
[Video] Samsung Networks @MWC24 | Software-centric Network - vRAN&O-RAN Ecosystem
[PR] Samsung Set Pace for Mobile Networks Innovation and Next-generation vRAN with Intel
[Blog] Samsung and AWS Power Innovation for End-to-End Virtualized Networks on Public Cloud
[PR] Samsung and AMD Collaborate to Advance Network Transformation with vRAN
[Video] Samsung fosters vRAN leadership with strong partnerships
[PR] Samsung Expands Collaboration with Intel to Advance vRAN Innovation
[Blog] A Rich Ecosystem Ignites Innovation, Accelerating Transition to Next-Gen Virtualized Networks
[PR] Samsung Joins Forces with Industry Leaders to Advance 5G vRAN Ecosystem