Rotary & Scroll

for Unitary

High Efficiency at Partial Load Operation

- Used by top-tier OEMS
- 26 SEER system efficiency
- UL certified
- Verified reliability in extreme conditions including cold weather, desert conditions and long line

Efficiency of Rotary-45K and Scroll-50K compressors across rotational speeds are compared. Rotary-45K outperforms in “Rotary (Partial Load Efficiency)” in "Partial Load Area" achieving peak efficiency at lower speeds but declining rapidly beyond 80 rps. Scroll-50K compressors, while less efficient in “Rotary (Partial Load Efficiency)” in the “Partial Load Area”, outperform Rotary-45K compressors in the "Hi-Speed Efficiency“ area with a flatter efficiency curve. Efficiency of Rotary-45K and Scroll-50K compressors across rotational speeds are compared. Rotary-45K outperforms in “Rotary (Partial Load Efficiency)” in "Partial Load Area" achieving peak efficiency at lower speeds but declining rapidly beyond 80 rps. Scroll-50K compressors, while less efficient in “Rotary (Partial Load Efficiency)” in the “Partial Load Area”, outperform Rotary-45K compressors in the "Hi-Speed Efficiency“ area with a flatter efficiency curve.

Rotary Compressor vs. Scroll Compressor

Variable speed of Rotary (vs) and Scroll (Two Stage) compressors are compared across a range of rotational speeds from 0 to 120 rps. Scroll (Two Stage) operates in two stages: the First Stage shows an efficiency gap of 20–30% below the Rotary system. The Second Stage narrows gap to 10%. Beyond 60 rps, Rotary (Variable Speed) demonstrates higher performance under variable speed conditions. Variable speed of Rotary (vs) and Scroll (Two Stage) compressors are compared across a range of rotational speeds from 0 to 120 rps. Scroll (Two Stage) operates in two stages: the First Stage shows an efficiency gap of 20–30% below the Rotary system. The Second Stage narrows gap to 10%. Beyond 60 rps, Rotary (Variable Speed) demonstrates higher performance under variable speed conditions.

Rotary Compressor vs. 2-Stage Scroll

Samsung Variable Frequency Driver

Environmental Regulations

(Eco-friendly Refrigerant)

Rotary Specification

Variable Speed / R454B

Scroll Specification

Variable Speed / R454B

Fixed Speed / R454B

* ● : Mass Product

* △ : In progress