Using the Camera Controller app

Last Update date : Mar 13. 2025

Control the camera on your Galaxy phone from your Samsung watch by using the Camera Controller app. You're a click away from recording videos, capturing photos, and reviewing your shots directly from your watch. Simply follow the below steps for more information.

Please Note: This guide is based on Australian variant devices, steps and device compatibility list may vary depending on the country. If you have an international device and require further support click here to get in touch with your Samsung subsidiary.

Before following the below steps, ensure that your compatible smartphone and watch are connected and you have access to an internet connection. 

1 Swipe up on the screen to access your Apps Tray and tap on the Camera Controller app
Select the Camera Controller App in the Galaxy Watch App tray
2 You will then be directed to your Camera app on your mobile device. Simply position your camera infront of your subject and you will be able to view directly from your watch
position your camera infront of your subject
3 When you are ready to take your photo tap on the capture button on your Samsung Watch
Capture photo from watch

For further assistance, please contact our Chat Support or technical experts on 1300 362 603. To find your Samsung product's User Manual, head to Manuals & Downloads.

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