What Does The 1E or OE On The Display Of The WaterWall™ Dishwasher Mean?
Dishwasher Error Codes
The 1E and/or the OE Error Code is caused by blockage preventing the unit from draining proplerly. Fortunately, most of the time this can be resolved by cleaning the Fine Filter System and Sump in the dishwasher. If that does not resolve the issue, unfortunately service is required.
Cleaning the Fine Filter and Sump
WARNING: If the dishwasher was just running, open the door and allow it to cool before completing these steps.
1. Open the dishwasher door and locate the filter assembly in the center on the bottom of the dishwasher cavity.

2. Rotate the filter handle counterclockwise to unfasten the filter compartment door.

3.Remove the filter door, and then remove the flat micro filter underneath.

4. Remove any dirt and/or debris from the micro filter and the filter door, and then rinse them under running water.

5. Inspect the sump (the lowest part of the drain) and clean/wipe out any dirt or debris.

6. Re-install the flat micro filter, and then the filter door.
7. Rotate the filter door handle clockwise to lock the filter door.

• For the best performance, clean the filter and sump regularly.
• If the filter door is not closed properly, clean performance will decrease.
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