Enhance your space with a beautiful work of art

Browse through the artwork you love
The Frame Artwork Library (2,600+ artwork)
* Artwork descriptions are only available in the languages provided by our partners to ensure that the artists' intentions are accurately conveyed.
Curate a personal art gallery and display it at home. With over 2,600 selections from world-famous artists and institutions in the Art Store, you can easily find the right pieces to show off your style.
Turn your room into a personal art exhibition
Art Store
How the Art Store lets you access artwork
* Art pieces in the Art Store are subject to change without prior notice.
* The Art Store may not be available in some countries.
Motion Sensor
How the Motion Sensor saves you energy
* This function operates only within a certain distance, which may vary according to the surrounding environment.
* Performance may vary depending on the lighting conditions.
* Availability of Motion Sensor may vary by country.
Brightness Sensor
How the Brightness Sensor adjusts brightness for energy efficiency
Explore a curated stream of art for free
Art Store Streams
Dive into the world of art and discover new favorite pieces through your TV. With The Frame, you get access to a regularly updated collection of artwork curated from leading artists and institutions.
Sign up for an Art Store membership
What is Art Mode in The Frame?
Art Mode is a special display mode for The Frame, where it displays art when turned off instead of a blank screen. It allows your TV to blend beautifully into your home decor when not in use.
You can turn on The Frame and enjoy your favorite shows, games and sports just like any other TV. Then when you switch it off, the screen transitions to display beautiful artwork.
See how The Frame looks in your home. (https://www.samsung.com/africa_en/lifestyle-tvs/the-frame/design/)
What is the Art Streams service in the Samsung Art Store?
The Art Streams service in the Samsung Art Store provides a free stream of artwork to display on The Frame. This service is available to anyone with The Frame, regardless of whether they're subscribed to the Art Store or not.
You get a stream of 20 pieces of art every month, curated from the 2,600+ available artwork in the Art Store. Each piece of art is displayed on screen for 5 minutes before being rotated out. The stream is updated every month based on a different theme, so you can always discover and enjoy new art.
* Availability may vary by country.