The Freestyle Skin has been bumped (not smooth) on the side of the eco sensor

Last Update date : 2024-01-14

The Freestyle skin is made of replaceable rubber material, and an eco sensor is located in the protruding shape in the Freestyle body, as shown in the image below. The inside of the skin has the same shape's groove to fit this shape.

Eco sensor side skin bump

The skin is accurately assembled to the eco sensor side during production, and there is no bulge in the surface; however, because the skin is an elastic rubber material, if the area is pushed out by external force and the location is mismatched, the skin may bulge, not smooth, due to the protruding eco sensor.

Eco sensor & the inside skin

In this case, you can adjust by pressing the eco sensor area with your thumb and rubbing left or right, and it can be assembled in place.

  • ECO Sensor skewed to the right → Rubbing or pushing skin to the right 
ECO Sensor skewed to the right
  • ECO Sensor skewed to the left → Rubbing or pushing skin to the left
ECO Sensor skewed to the left

Note:  If you have any questions after verifying the solutions mentioned above, please call our contact center for help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

* This feature is only available on specific models. Please refer to your user manual for more information

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