How to disable Demo or Retail mode on Samsung TV

Last Update date : 2025-02-07

Demo or Retail mode is usually used in stores for advertising. If your TV is always playing an advertising video or its settings keep reverting back to the default, it's probably in Demo or Retail mode, in the below article how to disable this mode.

Samsung TV

Follow the below step to make your TV operate regularly:

Settings Settings

Step 1. From Samsung remote press the Home button, and head to Settings.

All Settings All Settings

Step 2. Select All Settings.

General and privacy General and privacy

Step 3. Choose General & Privacy.

system manager system manager

Step 4.Choose System Manager.

Usage Mode Usage Mode

Step 5. Select Usage Mode.

Pin Pin

Step 6. Enter the PIN, and set the Mode to Home mode.


  • If the PIN code is required, it is usually 0000.
  • This function may not be supported, depending on the model.
  • If you still need more assistance, please call our contact center and our helpful agents will help you.

* This feature is only available on specific models. Please refer to your user manual for more information

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