How to connect External devices on Samsung TV
Using an HDMI cable is very convenient connection method of effectively transmitting sound and video signals from external devices
If the connected device does not show up on the Samsung screen, you could be having an issue with the HDMI ports on your TV
Check that your connected devise is actually powered on. If it doesn’t turn on, you need to contact the manufacturer of your external device.
Select the correct source on your TV
When your device is connected to your TV, you have to set the source on the TV to the same port you connect your device to. Make sure that the external device is connected securely and turned on. Move to Source and Switch to another input source
If the Cable is not connected securely, input signal cannot be transmitted
Note : If you have any questions, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our skilled agents will be happy to assist you.
*The features mentioned can be available on specific models. Please refer to your user manual for more information.
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