Using Object Eraser on my Galaxy Phone

Last Update date : 2023-04-27

Want to easily remove objects, people or anything else in your pictures without having to download a range of third party applications? Simply enable Object Eraser in your Gallery app to begin editing your Photos. Follow the below guide for step by step instructions.

Follow the below steps:

1 Launch the Gallery app icon Gallery app
Launch Gallery app
2 Select the image you would like to edit
Select the image you would like to edit
3 Tap on Pencil icon to Edit the Photo
Tap on the Edit button
4 Select 3dots icon for more options
Select the 3 dots
5 Tap on Object Eraser
select object eraser
6 Highlight an area you would like to remove than tap on Erase
Highlight an area you would like to erase then tap on erase
7 Tap on Done
Tap on Done
8 Select Save to apply the changes
Tap on Save

Note: For further assistance or questions, please Contact us.

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