How to use Find my earbuds on Galaxy Wearable app

Last Update date : 2024-04-30

With no cords or wires to untangle, the Galaxy Buds and Gear IconX earbuds are meant to be worn on the go. However, if the earbuds are lost, you can use the “Find My Earbuds” feature in the Galaxy Wearable app to locate them.

galaxy buds

Search for your missing earbuds

1 Slide the screen upwards or downwards to access the apps page, or open "Apps”.
2 Open the  “Galaxy Wearable” app.  This application comes downloaded by default in the “Samsung” folder. If you do not have this app, please download it from the“Galaxy Store” or “Play Store".
3 Scroll down and tap “Find My Earbuds” to begin the search.
4 Tap “Start”.
5 The earbuds will start beeping, getting gradually louder for a period of 3 minutes.
6 Tap “Stop” to end the search.

If the feature is not working

The “Find my earbuds” feature connects to the earbuds through an IR sensor. If external nearby sources interfere with the signal, the connection may be interrupted, and the beeping may not be heard properly.

The following functions might also have difficulties working correctly if the IR signal is obstructed:

  • Automatic mute when you take off the earbuds.
  • Earbud control touchpad. 

Try closing and opening the earbud case to reactivate the Bluetooth pairing mode. If the issue persists, please contact an Authorized Samsung service center.


Please note:

  • Ensure your earbuds are within the 10-meter connection range of the Bluetooth device, although this distance may vary depending on the environment. The earbuds must be powered on and connected to the app for this feature to work.
  • Follow all posted warnings and directions from authorized personnel in areas where the use of wireless devices is restricted, such as airplanes and hospitals.
  • The Galaxy Buds must be charged before you can use the earbuds.
  • Ensure that the latest version of the Galaxy Wearable app is installed on the mobile device.
  •  If you still need more assistance, please call our contact center and our helpful agents will help you.

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