How can I use gestures with the Galaxy Ring?

Last Update date : 2024-10-15
Galaxy ring

While wearing the Galaxy Ring, you can dismiss an alarm or take a picture or video by tapping the finger with your ring and thumb together twice quickly using double pinch action when the camera app is open. Please set the options enabled you need through the gestures menu on the Galaxy Wearable app (default: off).

  • Wearable app on the connected phone) Gestures > turn On to use actions (if you can’t see the Ring device, please touch the dashboard button and select the Ring on the list to connect device).
Gestures with the ring


  • The gestures menu for the ring is only supported for the device installed with One UI 6.1.1 SW version or later version.
  • When you are wearing a Galaxy Watch with double pinch actions turned on, double pinch actions will be disabled for your ring.
  • Try the double pinch action in the menu while keeping your hand steady

The gesture menu for the ring in the Galaxy Wearable app is supported for the device only, which is installed with One UI 6.1.1 SW version or later version.

  • When you are wearing a Galaxy Watch with double pinch actions turned on, double pinch actions will be disabled for your ring.
  • While keeping your hand steady, tap the finger with your ring and your thumb together twice.

Note: If you have any questions after verifying the above solutions, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

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