How can I create new folders within the My Files?

Last Update date : 2023-05-10

Want to have documents, videos, photos, and audio files saved to a central location without having to switch between multiple folders? Simply move or copy them into a folder via the My Files app, once saved you can even add the folder to your home screen for easy access. Follow the below guide for step-by-step instructions.

1 Launch the My Files app icon My Files app
launch My Files app
2 Tap on Internal Storage
Tap on Internal Storage
3 Tap on 3 dots icon
Tap on 3 dots
4 Select Create folder
Tap on create new folder
5 Name your folder then tap on Create
Tap on create
6 Once the folder has been created search for the document, video, photo or audio file you would like to move or copy to the new folder
Long press File to select
7 Once you have long pressed the file tap on Move or Copy
Tap on Move o Copy

You can then follow the path back to your new folder.


Tap on Workouts Folder
9 Select Copy here
Select copy here
9 Once copied you will be able to view and access the file within your chosen folder
Viewing PDF in new folder
10 If you would like to add another file type (i.e. Videos) simply tap on the Videos category on the My Files main page
Tap on Videos category
11 Locate the video you would like to add then long press the file to select. Once highlighed tap on Move or Copy
Tap on Videos category

Follow the path back to your new folder then tap on Copy here


Copy second file to Workouts folder
13 Once the transfer is complete you will be able to view the new file saved within your folder
Viewing x2 files in new folder
14 If you would like to add the folder to your Home Screen long press the folder to select then tap on 3 dots icon More
Tap on More
15 Select Add to home screen
Tap on Add to home screen
16 Tap on Add
Tap on Add
17 Once added you will be able to view the folder on your Home screen
Viewing folder on Home screen

Note: If you have any questions after verifying the above-mentioned solutions, please call our contact center to get help with your inquiry. Our helpful agents will be there to help you.

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